4 Common LED Sign Mistakes to Avoid

4 Common LED Sign Mistakes to Avoid

There are endless benefits associated with LED signs, the most important one being that they make your business stand out. It’s an attractive and visually appealing way to create awareness about your brand and win over customers.

Businesses and commercial facilities also use LED signs to direct customers and guests in certain directions.

If you want to capitalize on the benefits of LED signs, however, you need to avoid some common mistakes.

The following are some pitfalls that can make LED signage more of a hindrance than a boon:

No Dedicated Operator

While LED signs last long and can run with little to no supervision, you need to appoint dedicated personnel who can perform timely repairs and maintenance.

When it comes to updating the message on LED signage, it’s pretty straightforward. But it would help if someone was always on hand to attend to the task.

The Sign Not Being Visible

LED signs are more expensive than fluorescent variants. So if this long-term investment isn’t placed in a visible location, all the money you put in will have been for nothing.

The core function of an LED sign is its ability to draw attention. When you place the sign in a location that’s not prominent, you aren’t going to receive the return on investment that you were aiming for.

Incorrect Timing

Getting timing right is an essential part of using LED signs. LED technology allows your sign to stand out and display messages using features like scrolling, flashing, and many others. If you do not coordinate these patterns with the arrival of potential customers, you will miss out on your opportunity to get them to visit your store.

Unclear Text

Text on an LED sign needs to be clear, concise, and to the point. Your business will lose potential customers if your message isn’t direct and effective. You also need to use the right color palette and flashing techniques to get customers’ attention.

If you can avoid making these mistakes with LED marketing, your business will be much more likely to succeed.

If you want a professional electrician to install your LED sign, get in touch with our team at RHK Electrical. In addition to our LED services in Cypress, Texas, we also provide generator installation and lighting maintenance.

You can visit our website to learn more about our services and products!

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