As a business owner, you cannot afford any sort of downtime, particularly when it comes due to malfunctioning generators or transformers.
At RHK Electrical, we understand this. Therefore, we offer a host of maintenance, repair and installation services for generators and transformers.
Over the years, we have encountered all sorts of generator problems there could be. We have installed, repaired and maintained generators from a variety of brands. This has equipped our team of technicians and electricians with the experience they need to provide you with reliable services.
As a power source for commercial facilities like manufacturing plants, assembly lines, hotels, and more, generator maintenance can ensure consistent uptime. We provide a complete array of services from oil and filter replacement to spare part replacement and installation.
At times, the issue might not be the generator or fixtures; it might be the transformer. A faulty transformer isn’t just prone to blowouts and subsequent downtime but it might also impact your energy bills, raising them dramatically. Apart from conducting comprehensive inspections, we recommend installation of surge suppression systems as well.
We also utilize state-of-the-art equipment to evaluate the quality of power you receive and to ensure that your operations are constantly up and running.
Regardless of the trouble you are facing with your generators or transformers, we can help.
Get in touch and avail the following services:
- Installation, repair and maintenance
- Upgrading transformers
- Repairing generators
- Ensuring uptime
- Complete wiring/rewiring for power backups
- Ensuring transmission and distribution efficiency
Generator Maintenance and Power Backup Services in Cypress, TX
Business owners can’t leave anything to chance—especially when it comes to generators and transformers. As this is a substantial investment, business owners want to ensure that should a fault occur, they can count on reliable services for the repair and maintenance of their power backups.
It’s also imperative that when the time comes for installation of a new generator, the job is done seamlessly to avoid problems in the immediate future. Faulty installation can result in thousands of dollars worth of damages, in addition to those made for repairs.
At RHK Electrical, we believe in getting things right for the customer the first time. Having years of experience in our field, we have a large clientele to vouch for our reliability and credibility in Cypress, TX. Our services include, but are not limited to the following:
- Generator installation
- Generator maintenance
- Generator repair
- Transformer services
- Power backup services
Need Generator Or Transformer Services?
Get In Touch With Us Right Away! Call us at (832) 948-6019 now.