LED or Light Emitting Diodes are the latest and most fascinating technological advancement in the lighting industry. (more…)
Month: August 2020
Why Your Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping
A circuit breaker is a switch that protects an electrical circuit from excess current. Essentially, if the current passing through a circuit is greater than what the circuit is designed to handle, the current can damage the circuit. This damage can result in an electrical fire. When excess current is detected, the circuit breaker trips…
4 Benefits of LED Lighting
LED is an acronym for Light-Emitting Diode. It refers to a light source that emits light when an electrical current passes through a microchip in the LED product. (more…)
4 Safety Tips During a Power Outage
National and state electrical grids are usually well-maintained, so the chances of an unforeseen outage are low. However, other than planned outages, storms and generally harsh weather can damage your state’s electrical infrastructure, leading to an outage. Whether expected or not, outages can expose us to the elements and other hazards. To keep your family,…