The only thing worse than a power outage is a power outage that occurs in the winter. But thanks to inclement weather and a drop in temperatures, it often creates the perfect conditions for a blackout. Knowing how to maintain your generator as the cold season rushes in is the key to avoiding such problems—especially since a malfunctioning generator can affect you when you need it most.
Why Do Generators Malfunction in Winters?
When temperatures drop, the oil inside generators also gets cold. And when oil gets cold, it coalesces. You may have noticed this with coconut oil.
This makes pulling the cord more difficult. If your generator has an electric starter, the batteries will go cold as well, and lose cranking power.
Low oil shutdown sensors—present in all generators—all experience winter-related problems. They’re responsible for turning your generator’s engine off automatically if they detect a lack of oil inside the generator. Although this is a good thing because it helps prevent calamities, it can be a big problem in the winters because your generator just won’t start!
Be Sure to Visually Inspect It
When you’re prepping your generator for the winter (and you should always do this), make sure to inspect it. Notice all its components and take down a list of the parts that appear to have experienced wear and tear. If there’s something that needs to replaced, get it replaced immediately.
Check the Batteries
Batteries tend to malfunction as well in winter. Checking your generator’s batteries before and during the winters is essential to maintain them.
If you find that the batteries might not last, get them replaced. Also ensure that the batteries are charged. We suggest going with a battery with greater cranking power to help you make it through the winter.
Stabilize the Fuel Supply
Keep fuel in your generator (or in any other fuel tank in any other machine) for too long, and it will start to deteriorate. Natural gas will evaporate and leave the carburetor and fuel pump clogged with its residue, and fuel will become gel-like—both end up affecting the performance of generators. You can stabilize fuel by adding—quite literally—a fuel stabilizer. This preserves fuel that’s just sitting there idly.
Generator Services in Cypress, Texas
We provide generator services along with other electrical services to the residents of Cypress, Texas. You can schedule an inspection by getting in touch with us online or by calling us at +1 832 948 6019.